With all due respect to my fellow ladies, I would that I echo the words of the speaker in today's service. These words, that I by all means agree with made me remember what my mentor and dad, John Wesley Nguuh keeps saying; that, 'when the society got to empower women, no one told the men how to handle empowered women.' Yet again, we women forgot that in our being empowered, it dint mean the place of the man was lost! His place must and should be secured if we are to av a stable society.
Now, what then can we do so as to minister to the male man? Man was created to be the head of the family; Ephesians 5:23 hence forms its foundation; the teacher- Genesis 18:17-19 God expected Abraham to teach his household what He commanded him to. They are the priests, they determine the spiritual stability and growth of not only their children but eventually the generations to come. He is a protector and an instructor. HE IS THE LEADER!
With this knowledge in mind, there are things, issues and troubles that these men face; men here being your dad, husband, brother, cousin, friend... Troubles that end up affecting their being the best they can be. Issues that if we looked at them closely and sought to help, then and only then shall we have ministered to them and subsequently healed our society.
1. Loneliness
the male man is a lonely being. Always engrossed in their work trying to meet demands from all over. They are the bosses running companies, running homes, running ministries and the society looks to the man. He may end up finishing even a month or even two or a year before he ever engages in a meaningful talk with the wife or a child or his friends. He is only sought when there's a crisis but when things are well, he is ignored. This made me ask myself just when do I call my dad and how often? Busyness among men sometimes brings loneliness. Remember dear men, if you are to collapse, family wont find another to replace you but your company will. Please; SLOW DOWN.
2. Criticism
dear ladies...these guys have had enough. Criticism has become the order of the day. Even when one is trying so hard, we still just expect more. We ought to appreciate that there is something they are doing because apparently- and we all know this; when someone has done something wrong, he knows!! The more you criticise, it doesnt just help.
3. Unspoken challenges
this especially affects the African man that has grown up knowing that he has to be tough. That he is a MAN to the extend that when they are going through issues, they just cant speak. They av gotta MAN UP. Well, sin and secrecy thrives in silence. Secrecy aint godly at all.'confess your sins to one another that ye may be healed.' Christianity and life of character is not what people see, it is the inner you, the inner design, the inner man! Come out secrecy so we may, as a society benefit from a whole you!
I wish there was a way ad type that title and it would be stressed. Pressure...from inlaws, family, if you are lucky-you are exempted from nagging spouses, bills...you name them. They all shout 'you are the man! You must bear the weight!' sometimes, men have no idea what to do!
With all these, men: you cannot do without prayer. Revive the family altar. Prayer is like fuel in an automobile, no matter how well serviced the vehicle is, pimped up, with awesome wheels-bila fuel it will stall. God is calling us, calling you to Himself. With the help of God and support from the female-man...be the lead!
May God bless you and make you a blessing.