Max Lucado… this is an author that keeps amazing me by his writings and I must say he is gifted and is making a difference in the best way he knows how. Usage of scripture appropriately is one thing I would commend him for. An awesome read this book is. OUTLIVE YOUR LIFE. I have come to realize, after reading this book and I am truly blessed for he who thought of BookSneeze because a life here in Kenya, Africa has been touched. You may never meet me, but be sure that a life has been impacted and subsequently more lives will. I have come to realize, that one can actually live a life that may never be remembered because their actions were just as old as they were. Outliving one’s life is worship to God. I say this agreeing to a statement I always hear from a radio station here in Kenya, that: IF YOU ARE SELFISH, YOU CANT WORSHIP GOD. I agree totally because a life of impact, a life that makes a difference and leaves a legacy, is a life that gives. So that when the word says: “Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought to…” then, God knows what He is saying. He simply says that, you really don’t own your life; it may never really profit you if it can’t impact another and if it isn’t for eternity’s sake, then it may never really matter.
Jesus, it is recorded in Philippians 2:6-8
“Who being in the very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being in human likeness. And being found in the appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death—even death on a cross!”
That was the attitude of Christ, well then I guess that is why His life on earth, History has never come to really comprehend His Story!
His life: no amount of books can explain it, no great prophecies can tell. No kind of journalism can report…His story still hits headlines…His impact outlives all life…His love, no kind of measurement can determine… His wisdom, no amount of learning can outdo it….Christ outlived His live…His life is in each one of us…He has (allow me to use this) reproduced himself in each one of us, yet He is one… He is all in all! Amazing! That is why, Paul encourages that we should have an attitude the same as that of Christ.
Max Lucado brings it well and I may not bring out every aspect of his writing but he has made me realize that, each day…every single moment of my life…with every breath I take…I ought to ask myself if the action I am doing now…will outlive me.
Will it live beyond the last breath off my nostrils?
That when He who owns me takes all that is His… will he find something worthwhile? Again I say…outliving one’s life is worship to God.
I am impacted by this writing and I again pray…
O Lord, where did I see you yesterday…and didn’t recognize you? Where will I encounter you today …and fail to identify you? O my Father, give me eyes to see, a heart to respond, and hands and feet to serve you wherever you encounter me! Transform me, Lord, by your Spirit into a servant of Christ, who delights to meet the needs of those around me. Make me a billboard of your grace, a living advertisement for the riches of your compassion. I long to hear you say to me one day, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” And I pray that today I would be that faithful servant who does well at doing good. In Jesus’ Name I pray, amen. (Outlive Your Live page 173)
In conclusion, I couldn’t but agree with Sheila Walsh in her praise… “Every now and then you hear a call that is so clear, so true, that you know without a shadow of doubt it comes from the very heart of God. This book contains such a call. If we listen, it just might change the world.”
It will change the world. Thank you Max for listening to God…Thank you Thomas Nelson Publishers…Thank you BookSneeze!
Greatest thanksgiving to you, Father. I am impacted and help me to outlive my life.